The challenge: creating a transparent and scalable marketing model that meets the changing needs of continuing studies
The Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies magnifies the power of Rice University’s research, innovation, and teaching by making elite education accessible and applicable to non-traditional learners in the 21st century knowledge economy. As learning moves from a one-time event to a lifetime commitment, the president of Rice University gave Dean Robert Bruce the charge to find new access points and opportunities that meet the needs of Houstonians.
Closely in tune with the changing composition and needs of the vibrant city that surrounds Rice University, the Susanne M. Glasscock School needed to take an increasingly holistic look at how the Houston area and the workforce market is changing and how to best market the deep university portfolio of ever-changing offerings.
To lead this effort, Rice created a “turnkey” model that created value for the 300 offerings within the Glasscock School but also non-credit offerings across the university, thus positioning the Glasscock School as a hub for non-traditional learning outreach. The model would involve using data-backed decision making about where to invest in and expand program offerings, and a replicable strategy for increasing enrollment.