Photo of three people working around a table

Anthology Evaluate

Course feedback to improve teaching and learning  

You don’t need us to tell you how important comprehensive and robust course evaluations data is and how efficient this process should be. Streamline the course evaluation process and gain a deeper understanding of your learners to improve their learning experiences.

NOTE: This product may not currently be available in all regions. Contact us to learn more.

  • Nationally normed and valid evaluation instruments (Idea System)

  • External influence adjustments and comparative data

  • Feedback collection on perceptions of learning

  • Comprehensive emails and reporting

  • Learning objectives and teaching methods assessment

Anthology Course Evaluations (with Idea System) is now known as Anthology Evaluate

Choose from two editions to efficiently meet your unique course evaluation needs

Screenshot of the Anthology Evaluate Enhanced version

Enhanced (includes Idea System)

Provides institutions with the flexibility of choosing from a comprehensive set of three nationally normed, validated, and reliable evaluation instruments, as well as advanced reporting.

Screenshot of the Anthology Evaluate Core version


Empowers institutions to use their own course evaluation instruments and to leverage evaluation data in program planning, accreditation, and administrative review processes.

Illustration of the evaluation process

Optimize the evaluation process

Reduce the amount of time it takes to administer evaluations and minimize workload through automation of administrative tasks.

Preview of the dashboard to showcase the better user experiences

Better user experiences

Use evaluation instruments to collect data and customize it in a modern interface with enhanced functionalities and an easy-to-navigate experience for users.

Screenshot of a dashboard in Anthology Evaluate

Improve teaching and learning

Get insightful and timely reporting of learners' feedback based on their direct course experience, providing you with relevant information that can ultimately guide and strengthen teaching.

Illustration showing the connection between Evaluate and your LMS

LMS agnostic

Anthology Evaluate integrates with your learning management system to become powerful partners in advancing knowledge and improving the learning experience.

Photo of a woman working at a laptop with security related illustrations

Modern technology and high security

Make the most of a SaaS-based solution with multiple authentication options, LTI integration, accessibility-compliant and comprehensive security protocols, and auditing.

Institutions who use Anthology Evaluate and Anthology Course Evaluations

illinois eastern logo
logan logo
sc state logo
western michigan logo
Sam Houston State University logo
Auburn University logo